I’m writing you today from the beach. Ah, yes – we all deserve to take a little time away to rejuvenate.
Only with proper self-care, can you truly give your best work.
But what if you’ve been so busy that taking a vacation seems way too far off? What if you have so much to do right NOW?
I get it.
Things may be going really well for you. You have a lot of work, or you’re very busy working on building your project or career. And it seems like you never have any extra time.
There’s always something left on your T0-Do list. You’re constantly playing catch-up.
And it’s overwhelming.
Do you ever feel like you’re swimming underwater, and barely have time to catch your breath?
As a mom and an entrepreneur, I can tell you that I have definitely felt this way before.
Even when business got good, it just seemed like there was just more on my plate.
Aside from the obvious delegating of some tasks, how else can you handle your to-do list?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have some time for yourself too?
How can you manage your time effectively so that it all gets done?
In this week’s video I share with you some simple tips to help you manage your To-Do list and conquer your overwhelm:
Yay! Simple, but effective.
I would love to hear how doing just these 2 things makes a difference in your life.
Remember to prioritize your big dream so that you can organize around it.
Now I want to hear from you.
How have you dealt with overwhelm? Do you have a tip that I didn’t share in the video? And if you use one of the tools I talked about, I invite you to come back to this page to report how it goes! We all can benefit from your experiences.