It’s Springtime in New York, and change is in the air. So what better way to bring about the changes you wish to see in your life, than to do something to raise your vibration!
I have a fun challenge for you!
And it’s all based upon the following principle:
The Law of Vibration
The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe vibrates and is in a constant state of motion. The molecules and cells that make up matter are always moving. And therefore, there’s really no such thing as rest or inertia.Another beautiful way to look at this is that ‘change’ is our natural state. So embracing movement, newness, or change, increases our vibration.
There are various levels of vibration, and these different levels are called frequencies.
And the higher the frequency, the stronger the force of manifestation.
Make sense?
The more you can raise your vibration, the easier your desires will come to you.
Think about this: Have you ever noticed another person’s energy?
I can think of a few people in my life who are always complaining and seem to see the negative in every situation. It’s like they’re expecting the ball to drop.
You may enjoy keeping them company, or you may be the opposite.
The optimist is someone who always sees the bright side of a situation. If that’s the case, you most likely have a magnetic energy. And in order to manifest what you want, you want to be the optimist.
The optimist has a higher frequency.
Remember, we are all connected.
The only difference between people is the density of their frequency. And you can easily change yours!
So how can YOU raise your vibration and stay in a higher frequency?
Well there are lots of ways. But the easiest way to raise your vibration is in my video below.
(Watch it + then read on to find out how to win a 30 minute private session with me!)
Here’s this week’s Manifest Monday’s video where you can find out how to raise your vibration:
So are you up for the challenge?
When we stay in a happy place, we’re vibrating at a higher frequency. And that enables us to attract things of a higher frequency.
So by doing what you love, you will be irresistibly attractive!
Did you know that Richard Branson’s #1 intention daily is “to have fun?”
I invite you to go back to your magical child – the source for all of your creative energy! As I watch my 2 year old daughter, she smiles countlessly throughout the day. This playful child is what I want you to tap into this week.
Go to that place of magic and joy and see what you discover! If you do this everyday, you’ll find that the right people and circumstances show up to support you.
Amazing synchronicities begin to occur, and you can follow your intuition into some great adventures. You’ll begin to see everything in your life as an opportunity!
I have a fun story about an adventure I ended up on in India all because I went to a concert (one of my favorite things!) Go here to watch a quick video & read it for some inspiration.
So here’s my challenge to you to win a private session with me:
Do something NEW that’s related to what you LOVE.Share about what you’re planning on doing – and then once you’ve completed it, share about the experience as well in the comments below. We can all benefit from reading about how YOU raised your vibration.
**Remember, in order to qualify to win your 30 minute session with me, you’ll need to share before AND after your new experience below.
I’ll pick a winner at the end of the week, and notify you via email.
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Sending you so much LOVE!