Why we manifest some things easily, but not others - Queen of Manifestation

Why we manifest some things easily, but not others


I just got back from a cruise to the Bahamas with my love.

It was our first vacation away just the two of us without our daughter, and we had an amazing time. And if you’ve been following me for a bit, you know that I just spent 2 months in Europe with our family traveling around.

You see, I’ve always been good at manifesting trips. But I wasn’t always so good at manifesting money and holding onto it. That took me some time to learn.

Have you ever found yourself saying things like, “I’m so good at manifesting ‘X’, but when it comes to ‘Y’ I’m just bad at it.”

Maybe you’re good at manifesting parking spots, but when it comes to making consistent income from your business, you just fall flat. You end up living paycheck to paycheck and you don’t know why you can’t break the cycle.

Well, you’re not alone!

So many people I’ve been talking to have been asking the same question that while I was on vacation with my family, I decided to make a video about it!

This video is especially for you if you’ve been stuck on the money front, but you’ve been good at manifesting in other areas of your life.

Pay close attention as I give you some actionables to take away from it!

(And full disclosure: I shot this video before our cruise, while we were in Hilton Head. There’s a bit of background noise from the insects – but it’s oh so worth it. So just take it in and imagine you’re right there with me. 😉

Watch this week’s Manifest Monday’s video to find out why you’re good at manifesting in some areas, but not others – AND what you can do about it:

It all starts with your belief.

I believed I deserved a vacation away with my man. And we went on a cruise. Here are some pictures from our trip to the Bahamas!



Nice, right?

Now what do YOU want to manifest?

If you’re having a difficult time with it, I want to ask you:

  1. What is the opportunity here for clearing?
  2. What is showing up already in your life for you to say yes to?
  3. And most importantly, How can you make that believable for you right now?

Share in the comments below what you’re really good at manifesting – and what you’re going to be really great at manifesting? Make the commitment to manifest it now and take action.

Have a friend who could benefit from this message? Share this with them.

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Why we’re good at manifesting SOME things, but not others via @jenmazer

Sending you so much LOVE!

xoxo, Jen

P.S. Soon I’ll be sharing an opportunity to spend some quality time with me helping YOU manifest your big dream AND traveling to exotic locations with a small group of women committed to reaching extraordinary results in their businesses + changing the world in the process. Stay tuned with how YOU can be a part of this exclusive mastermind.

Leave a Reply 2 comments

jen Reply

Yay Ana!! You are so welcome. I love your intention. Here’s to 2 new clients this week. How does it feel to be working with them? Focus on the feeling. xoxo

Ana Goncalves Reply

Hello Jen,
Thank you for the video and that is great that you are going on a cruise yay 🙂 Hope you have a great time.
I am really good at manifesting holidays, products, and experiences. I have been manifesting into my vision brand new white land rovers within the space of one minute because its a car I deeply desire. When it comes to money it doesn’t seem to materialize as easy, however I am open to release this now and a way for me to manifest money is to focus on what is do-able and what I believe can happen and the experience from the money like receiving clients to serve when sharing my gifts which is my top priority at the moment. I have placed the intention to receive two new clients by Wednesday night so I am open to receiving and asked the Universe to show me these opportunities to serve.
Thank you x

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