B-School Bonus Time!
You’ve probably heard from a bunch of people by now about Marie Forleo’s legendary B-School program. If you’re thinking about signing up, I have some great news!
The doors to B-School officially opened on February 19th, 2019! Click here to sign up.
It’s seriously life-changing. Her course is primarily responsible for where my business is today.
Marie Forleo seriously walks her talk. She’s been in business for over 10 years and has built it from the ground up. She was invited to South Africa with Richard Branson, she was interviewed by Tony Robbins, and she was just featured on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday.

For more about Marie and B-school watch these amazing videos.
It’s seriously the only online marketing program I recommend. I’m a proud affiliate of B-School. And because I understand the value in investing in yourself, I wanted to offer you a HUGE bonus if you decide to invest in B-School through me. I’m able to do this because I receive a commission from them.
So in true Queen style, I’m passing on the gifts to you!
My Special Manifestation Bonuses if you register for B-School through me!
When you invest in B-School from my link, you’ll receive all of the below:
Bonus # 1. One complimentary admission to the next round of my Manifestation Masters Program. (a $997 value)
Bonus # 2. 8 Money Manifesting Audios from my ‘Manifesting with the Masters‘ series which includes audio interviews from Joe Vitale, Denise Duffield-Thomas, Rha Goddess, Bari Tessler Linden, Janet Attwood and more! You get access to these interviews with the world’s top leading experts on manifestation.Turn your manifesting into ‘Money-festing’! (a $197 value)
Bonus #3. A private Facebook group just for Manifestation Master B-Schoolers where you can team up with an accountability partner, share ideas, and support each other. I’ll pop in and offer feedback too! (a $297 value)
Bonus #4. And if all of that weren’t enough, I’m also offering you an exclusive one-on-one session with me. (Priceless)
Bonus #5. Join me LIVE IN-PERSON for my Manifest It LIVE event in NYC in May, 2019!
People have paid up to $25,000 to work with me privately, and YOU get to come experience my magic LIVE, simply by registering for B-School through my link.
*** To qualify for the LIVE bonus, you must register for B-School by midnight on February 25th through this link. Airfare, meals and accommodations are on you.
Click here to enroll in B-School + Redeem your Manifestation Bonuses.
Why am I offering such ridiculous bonuses?
Well, I’m truly dedicated to seeing you succeed. It had such an impact on my life and I KNOW it will on yours. Plus, as much as I LOVED B-School, the one thing that was missing was the one-on-one time. So to make sure you get the most out of the program and know how to apply her great teachings to your life, we’ll schedule a 60-minute session for sometime right after the course ends.
And although as you see in me talking in Marie’s ‘Live Your Dream’ video – Marie’s community rocks. But it’s big. The good thing about signing up through me is that you won’t get lost in the crowd. You’ll have a small supportive facebook group to flesh out your ideas and get feedback. Plus we’ll get the chance to talk on the phone one-on-one! And with the 21 audios from Manifesting with the Masters, you’ll have all of the mindset resources to keep you motivated while you go through B-School.
Marie gives you the business tools for success, but Manifestation Masters gives you the life practices to actually create your biggest dreams. It’s a much smaller program, with more support and tools to clear blocks, and truly step into abundance.
You MUST register through my link to qualify for my bonuses. If you register somewhere else, it doesn’t count.
If you’re ready to go from dreaming about having a successful business to living you dream, register for B-School now and get your manifestation bonuses.
Marie’s detailed exactly what you’ll learn – and what you won’t in this 8 week training to help you leverage your online training to help you leverage your online presence for more sales and more impact.
B-School is one of the most comprehensive programs I’ve seen and she’s got thousands of graduate reviews to prove it works. She even asked me to be part of her ‘Live Your Dream’ video (see below!)
I heard from Marie that B-School won’t happen again until 2017, so if you want to change your business and life, now is the time.
Did you see my video about Living Your Dream?
If you missed it, click the image below to hear me talk about the power of community.
When you’re ready to actually enroll in B-School, make sure you do from HERE. Not from the video link above.
Only people who enroll through my link will be tracked and qualified to receive my Manifestation bonuses.
As soon as B-School begins, you’ll be invited to join our private Manifestation Masters B-School facebook group. You’ll also receive 8 Money Manifesting audios. After the first 30 days of the program, I’ll send you a link to schedule our one-on-one session and invite you into my Manifestation Masters Program. **If you enroll by Feb. 25th at midnight EST, you’ll receive an invite to the Manifest It LIVE Event hosted by Jen in NYC in October, 2016. Super important: Make sure to register through my link to qualify.
As you might have guessed, I receive an affiliate commission from Marie for people who sign up through my link – which helps offset the costs of my bonuses for you. It’s a win-win for everyone. Let’s manifest success together!
Registration for B-School AND my Special Bonuses is only open from now until March 2nd, 2016!
Marie won’t be offering the program again until next year.
If you’re at all interested in moving your business & life forward this year, I encourage you to take action now.
I’ve been getting a few questions about B-School and whether or not it’s right for you.
Here’s some important information to help you make the best decision.
1. What if I’m not ready or I don’t have an online business yet?
Even if you’re not sure where you’re going yet, Marie will help you get there. This program is a great business foundation. It covers so much ground. Aside from the main course curriculum, there are TONS of bonuses on things from building your own website to getting press. If you’re a newbie, Marie’s ‘Start the Right Business’ bonus helps you figure out the right business for you. Honestly, I think that bonus is worth the price of the course alone.
You will have LIFETIME access to her program. Once you’re a B-Schooler, you’re a B-schooler for life. You can take the course again for free every time it’s offered. You can go through the material over and over again at your convenience.
2. What is the community like?
The community is made up of all sorts of people, from folks in the idea stage and just starting out, to business owners looking to grow from 6 figures to 7 figures. There are artists, musicians, jewelry designers, lawyers, coaches, authors, speakers, web designers, you name it!
PLUS You’ll have unlimited lifetime access to the private Facebook group. This is where so much of the action happens. You’ll meet other fabulous entrepreneurs and everyone truly helps one another out. A lot of people’s businesses truly rely on other people from the program, whether you’re just asking people for advice or feedback, or you’re hiring them to help you out with certain aspects of your business, and selling them your products.
3. What is the Curriculum like?
It’s an 8 week course with weekly coaching calls and newsletter and website reviews. Plus Weekly Modules that include the Six Pillars of Building Your Online Business:
Profit Clarity
Websites That Sell and Don’t Suck
Slam Dunk Communication Plan
List Building Mania
How to Create Products and Services That Practically Sell Themselves
Marketing Wisdom That Works Across Every Industry
There are 2 implementation weeks scheduled throughout to allow you to catch up on the wealth of information that Marie provides. And TONS of bonuses.
Still have questions?
Marie does a great job of walking you through the program and answering them here.
It may not be the right fit for everyone. Only you know if it’s right for you.
If you want to enroll in B-School + Redeem your Manifestation Bonuses, click here.
I look forward to helping you manifest all that your heart desires!
xoxo, Jen
P.S. If you have any more questions about B-School that I didn’t cover above and you want to make sure it’s the right fit, I would be more than happy to answer them for you. Simply send me an email to [email protected] and I’ll get right back to you. As someone who’s been through her program, I can truly vouch for it!
P.P.S. The bonus Manifest Magic Power Hour with me and enrollment in my Manifestation Masters Program are only available after the B-School refund period is over (30 days). You’ll have up to 4 months to cash in on these bonuses. Now’s your chance to become a B-Schooler, get your one-on-one session, and become a Manifestation Master!
Here’s what past Manifestation Masters B-Schoolers had to say about my bonus:
“Jen’s Manifestation Masters Program changed the game for me. My life before was very scattered. I had a direction, got thrown off course again and again and was close to giving up at times. Although my acting career was taking off, my health was heading downhill.
With Jen’s framework, I was able to release limiting beliefs and damaging negative thoughts. Now I have a sense of calm to know that stressing over current situations isn’t going to move me in the right direction and was harming me mentally and physically.
In no time, I manifested the right people and circumstances to fully heal and become a true FORCE OF NATURE. This course is great for people to get out of a rut and change their perceptions of life’s abundance. ”
– Megan Hartig, Actress
Kirsten_testimonial“Before Manifestation Masters I was starting to feel hopeless.
Manifestation Masters definitely helped me regain hope and reminded me that I can in fact be totally in control of what happens in my life. I was able to get really clear on what I want and focus on a few specific areas.
I am definitely realizing on a daily basis all of the interesting synchronicities and things that pop into my head out of nowhere, and then it happens in real life! This has always happened since I was young, but lately it has been occurring A LOT… to the point where I will be talking to someone and I will hear specific words in my head before they say them. And my dreams have been very indicative of life. Just this past weekend I dreamt my best friend had her baby… I woke up and texted her that, and got a response saying, “He is here!! I had him early this am!”
If people want to learn more about manifesting and the power it holds, you are THE person to learn from! You have so many examples in your life that you’ve openly shared that can attest to what you are trying to teach. Also.. your level of involvement was outstanding. I am sure everyone felt as though you really cared as much as they did about their big dream! Thank you SO much!!”
– Kirsten La Greca, Fashion Stylist
And more from B-Schoolers about working with me:
Robin-TestimonialWith Jen’s help, I had my first $60,000 month! And I got my first book deal with Hay House Publishing only 10 months after having the idea to write the book. Jen helps me dream bigger and go for it.
“Before I began working with Jen I felt like I’d lost my manifesting mojo. I was making life and business decisions out of fear and was worried that I might have to sell my house and give up my big dream just to make ends meet. I was so nervous about the investment to work with Jen … but after just one call I knew I made the right decision. I’m so glad I trusted my intuition instead of my fears because I feel like things have gone a complete 180 from just a few months ago!
Jen helped me raise my rates and I doubled my income from last month’s earnings! I’ve increased my overall earning 25% as of right now and it’s growing every day. Now I’m paying the mortgage!
The support I’m getting from my husband, friends, family, patients is FANTASTIC! My husband can see it now. His exact words were, “It’s not if Robin, it’s when and it’s gonna be soon!” He’s 100% behind me in my efforts to become the main breadwinner. We’re truly happy.
Working with Jen one-on-one made me realize how small I’d been dreaming lately. Several of the things Jen came up with were what I’d dreamt about, but not really gone there fully because I’d stop myself. So it was really fun to go all the way and dream super duper big. I’ve been on a high and I can feel things have shifted and I’m attracting more of the things I want in my life! Yay! I’m not afraid of going for my big dream and I’m already bringing my message about healing children with acupuncture to the world.
Through our time together, I led my first Acupuncture Pediatrics workshop, I’ve launched registration for my first online course and made $4,200 in just the first day and $60,000 in just one month! I have my year-long Acupuncture Pediatrics certification program in the works. I’ve been recognized by several national industry professionals as a leader, invited to lead workshops, gained dream referral partners, and I know all of this is just the beginning.
Anything IS possible if you believe it and dream it. Every time I have a problem the answer seems to present itself right when I need it. Jen – You’ve held my hand as I worked through my fears and pushed me to go for it when I needed you to. Like you say, the universe does support your dreams.
Thanks for helping me manifest again. You’ve truly changed my life for the better.”
– Robin Green, Founder
Christina Caudill - Radiance AdvisorWe manifested $20,000 in one week after doing Jen’s exercise.
“After I met Jen, I told my boyfriend all about our talk and we practiced a manifesting exercise. He said he wanted to sell $20,000 in artwork in the next 7 days. He always has leads in the fire, but it’s just impossible to know what will come through and when. Well a few days later, he made a sale of $10,000, and today – 7 days from the manifesting exercise – out of the blue he just sold another $10,000 piece of artwork.
WOW!!!! Yay, manifesting works!
Jen has such positive energy that I knew she would be great to work with on a deeper level. So I signed up for Manifestation Masters. I made huge strides in my business and I manifested a fabulous new assistant. I now have the tools to experience gratitude and abundance on a regular basis and I’m able to clear away negative thoughts more often. I definitely recommend Manifestation Masters! I think that it’s so important to have a clear vision of what you want in life, and Manifestation Masters helps you focus on that. What a great program!! Jen’s positive energy is infectious and amazing things can happen when we work together!”
– Christina Caudill
"Jen put a spin on my negative mindsets and challenged me to re-write those beliefs and limitations. I now make more money than I ever have before doing what I love.
“I had such a blast working with Jen Mazer during our Power Hour where she held me accountable and really put a spin on my negative mindsets and challenged me to re-write those beliefs and limitations. Then we did this powerfully fun exercise where she helped me see all that is truly possible in my life. I felt like a kid again being able to dream bigger than I had in years… this is the beginning of a whole lot of amazingness thanks to Jen opening my eyes to what my heart most wants.”
– Chantelle Adams