Should you focus on the Big Dream or the one right in front of you? - Queen of Manifestation

Should you focus on the Big Dream or the one right in front of you?


If you’re anything like me, you have big, Big, BIG dreams for yourself.

But you also probably have a bunch of smaller dreams, or opportunities that are right in front of you now.

And they may or may not be related to that big dream – You know, the one your heart does a little dance just thinking about.

So – in terms of manifesting, which dream should you focus on first?

The one right in front of you… The “easy” one.
the big dream… The “scary” one.

Watch this week’s Manifest Monday’s video to find out which dream to focus on first for your success:

Yay!!! I’m so excited for you to go for your dreams!!!

Remember, if you can allow yourself to believe that it’s possible, then it totally is!

(tweet that.)

I can’t wait to hear about what you’re manifesting!

Do you have a friend who could use this message?

If so, share it with them!

Should you focus on the Big dream or the one right in front of you? w/@jenmazer #ManifestMondays

(Tweet that.)

Share in the comments below what your big dream is!! The stretch dream. 🙂

Your comments will inspire everyone else.

Sending you so much LOVE!

xoxo, Jen

Leave a Reply 3 comments

Pamela Mortensen Reply

To be one of the few women who writes music for film and television and to own a recording studio that has classes and workshops for women on sound production.

connie curtis Reply

Getting a sustainable business as a coach for people newly diagnosed with gluten intolerance and food allergies that gives them all the essentials to go from surviving to thriving.

    jen Reply

    YES!!! Your work is so needed in the world Connie!

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